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From Greg’s Desk

From Greg’s Desk: Crisis to New Highs to Dog Days…What’s Next?!

By From Greg's Desk

Note: This article was written Wed. 9/7, two days before the current spate of volatility began, as expected. 

In my last letter, in the midst of the so-called “Brexit crises,” I emphasized that the underlying economy was fine and markets would recover.  Before we knew it, the S&P 500 was back to where it was – and then continued on to a new high. It was a great example of the importance of staying invested (appropriately for your risk tolerance), to wait until the market winds take off.

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From Greg’s Desk: May the (Market) Force be With You

By From Greg's Desk

With all the hype over the new Star Wars sequel, the Force Awakens, my family decided we needed to take the journey back into this world of light-sabers, black-masks, Jedi Knights, and Wookies. Who could resist the force, right? To prepare for this epic adventure, over the holidays, my daughters decided we needed to watch ALL the prior movies to prepare, while eating pecan pie and blue bell ice cream.

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From Greg’s Desk: Of Sailing, Markets, and Ancient Prophecy…

By From Greg's Desk

This summer I got hooked on sailing. Debra and I took lessons, learned the lingo, and got mesmerized by the interplay of wind, water and sail. One day we got out on the water with some friends only to find that there was very little wind. The forecast said the winds would kick in, but it was taking longer than expected. Should we take the sails down and head in? Instead we waited, sails up, in patient expectation. And in the end were rewarded with a beautiful day of calm winds. I’m glad we didn’t bring the sails down.

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