You know you should start saving for retirement before you turn 40. What can you start doing today to make that effort more productive, to improve your chances of ending up with more retirement money, rather than less?
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What might you think of doing when?
If you had a timeline of the financial steps you should probably take in life, what would it look like? Answers to that question will vary, but certain times of life do call for certain financial moves. Some should be made out of caution, others out of opportunity.

Note: This article was written Wed. 9/7, two days before the current spate of volatility began, as expected.
In my last letter, in the midst of the so-called “Brexit crises,” I emphasized that the underlying economy was fine and markets would recover. Before we knew it, the S&P 500 was back to where it was – and then continued on to a new high. It was a great example of the importance of staying invested (appropriately for your risk tolerance), to wait until the market winds take off.

Who wants to leave this world with their financial affairs in good order? We all do, right? None of us wants to leave a collection of financial mysteries for our spouse or our children to solve.
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Doing the right things at the right time may leave you wealthier later.
What can you do to start building wealth before age 35? You know time is your friend and that the earlier you begin saving and investing for the future, the better your financial prospects may become. So what steps should you take?