Every once in a while I get a fresh view of the good in this world that overwhelms and humbles me. I recently experienced one of those times.
I spent 7 days in June with 400 students from my church at a camp in Durango, Colorado. After first stepping on a bus for a 14 hour trip with 54 teens I initially wondered what on earth I’d gotten into! But after a few days at the camp, even though I was extremely tired, I was even more inspired.
I was humbled by the lives of other volunteers on the trip. Two had adopted multiple children from overseas. One came from a hardened background in alcohol and drugs, but is now a body builder, coach and role model for young men. One was preparing to leave for a year teaching in Mongolia. One was a worship minister, full of charisma and passion, who could be earning much more in another profession, but loved serving these kids. All put their heart and soul into leaning in to encourage and help the young people at this camp grow in their relationship with God and in their desire to serve others in this world.
As for the kids, I was overwhelmed by their openness and transparency. I spent my time with a small group of 13, many facing tremendous pain and challenges due to family situations, others struggling with self-destructive habits or addictions, others doing well and simply desiring to grow in faith and service in this world. All were simply trying to grow – to be better people, in faith and in service.
Tired but inspired. Overwhelmed and humbled. Next time you are discouraged about the state of this world, take some time to shut off the TV and go out and volunteer somewhere. I think you’ll be glad you did!
On a mission to serve,
P.S. If you have a volunteer story to share that you enjoyed, please write it up and send it our way to admin@carrwealthmanagement.com. We’d like to tell some of your stories in a regular feature we’ll be calling “Doing Good.” Thanks!
Gregory A. Carr, MBA, AAMS®
Financial Advisor
Carr Wealth Management, LLC
310 West Central, Suite 103 | Wichita, KS 67202
Tel 316-440-2550 | Toll-free 877-215-8734 | Fax 316-440-2580
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